2017 Robot


Fuel Intake:

•  24′ second linear speed
•  Spans full width of the robot
•  Curved polycarbonate backing


•  81:1 gear ratio
•  Hook and loop grabbing mechanism

Gear Manipulator:

•  Ground pickup
•  6 2″ Andymark compliant wheels geared 4:1
•  Actuated using dual pneumatic cylinders


•  6 wheel tank drive
•  4″ x 1.5″ Colson wheels
•  ECP SS gearboxes
•  Maximum speed of 12 ft/s

Shooter and Hopper:

•  Cloth hopper
•  Can hold ~50 fuel
•  Indexes fuel into two shooters using mecanum wheels
•  Turrets with 180-degree range of motion
•  2″ indexer wheels geared 3:1
•  Flywheels powered by 775 pro geared 4:1